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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
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- "time": "2020-03-27T16:56:45+00:00"
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- "description": "Symfony DependencyInjection Component",
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- "time": "2020-03-30T11:42:42+00:00"
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- "symfony/yaml": "^4.4|^5.0",
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- "ext-apcu": "For best performance of the system caches",
- "symfony/console": "For using the console commands",
- "symfony/form": "For using forms",
- "symfony/property-info": "For using the property_info service",
- "symfony/serializer": "For using the serializer service",
- "symfony/validator": "For using validation",
- "symfony/web-link": "For using web links, features such as preloading, prefetching or prerendering",
- "symfony/yaml": "For using the debug:config and lint:yaml commands"
- },
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- "name": "Fabien Potencier",
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
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- "description": "Symfony FrameworkBundle",
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- "time": "2020-03-30T11:42:42+00:00"
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- "php-http/client-implementation": "*",
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- "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
- "email": "p@tchwork.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Symfony HttpClient component",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
- "time": "2020-03-27T16:56:45+00:00"
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- "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
- "email": "p@tchwork.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Generic abstractions related to HTTP clients",
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- "contracts",
- "decoupling",
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- "interoperability",
- "standards"
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- "time": "2019-11-26T23:25:11+00:00"
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- "url": "https://github.com/symfony/http-foundation.git",
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- "name": "Fabien Potencier",
- "email": "fabien@symfony.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Symfony HttpFoundation Component",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
- "time": "2020-03-30T14:14:32+00:00"
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- "symfony/twig-bridge": "<5.0",
- "symfony/validator": "<5.0",
- "twig/twig": "<2.4"
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- "name": "Fabien Potencier",
- "email": "fabien@symfony.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Symfony HttpKernel Component",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
- "time": "2020-03-30T15:04:59+00:00"
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A library to manipulate MIME messages",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
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- "mime",
- "mime-type"
- ],
- "time": "2020-03-27T16:56:45+00:00"
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- "name": "Laurent Bassin",
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
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- "time": "2020-03-09T19:04:49+00:00"
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
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- }
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
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- "time": "2020-02-27T09:26:54+00:00"
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- "symfony/http-foundation": "^4.4|^5.0",
- "symfony/yaml": "^4.4|^5.0"
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- "suggest": {
- "doctrine/annotations": "For using the annotation loader",
- "symfony/config": "For using the all-in-one router or any loader",
- "symfony/expression-language": "For using expression matching",
- "symfony/http-foundation": "For using a Symfony Request object",
- "symfony/yaml": "For using the YAML loader"
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- "branch-alias": {
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- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Symfony Routing Component",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
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- "router",
- "routing",
- "uri",
- "url"
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- "time": "2020-03-30T11:42:42+00:00"
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- "name": "symfony/service-contracts",
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- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/symfony/service-contracts.git",
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- "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
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- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Generic abstractions related to writing services",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
- "keywords": [
- "abstractions",
- "contracts",
- "decoupling",
- "interfaces",
- "interoperability",
- "standards"
- ],
- "time": "2019-11-18T17:27:11+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "symfony/var-dumper",
- "version": "v5.0.7",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/symfony/var-dumper.git",
- "reference": "f74a126acd701392eef2492a17228d42552c86b5"
- },
- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/symfony/var-dumper/zipball/f74a126acd701392eef2492a17228d42552c86b5",
- "reference": "f74a126acd701392eef2492a17228d42552c86b5",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^7.2.5",
- "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "~1.0"
- },
- "conflict": {
- "phpunit/phpunit": "<5.4.3",
- "symfony/console": "<4.4"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "ext-iconv": "*",
- "symfony/console": "^4.4|^5.0",
- "symfony/process": "^4.4|^5.0",
- "twig/twig": "^2.4|^3.0"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "ext-iconv": "To convert non-UTF-8 strings to UTF-8 (or symfony/polyfill-iconv in case ext-iconv cannot be used).",
- "ext-intl": "To show region name in time zone dump",
- "symfony/console": "To use the ServerDumpCommand and/or the bin/var-dump-server script"
- },
- "bin": [
- "Resources/bin/var-dump-server"
- ],
- "type": "library",
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": {
- "dev-master": "5.0-dev"
- }
- },
- "autoload": {
- "files": [
- "Resources/functions/dump.php"
- ],
- "psr-4": {
- "Symfony\\Component\\VarDumper\\": ""
- },
- "exclude-from-classmap": [
- "/Tests/"
- ]
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
- "email": "p@tchwork.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Symfony mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
- "keywords": [
- "debug",
- "dump"
- ],
- "time": "2020-03-27T16:56:45+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "symfony/var-exporter",
- "version": "v5.0.7",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/symfony/var-exporter.git",
- "reference": "ffd29a70370e466343e33154b5df197a07a13afa"
- },
- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/symfony/var-exporter/zipball/ffd29a70370e466343e33154b5df197a07a13afa",
- "reference": "ffd29a70370e466343e33154b5df197a07a13afa",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^7.2.5"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "symfony/var-dumper": "^4.4|^5.0"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": {
- "dev-master": "5.0-dev"
- }
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Symfony\\Component\\VarExporter\\": ""
- },
- "exclude-from-classmap": [
- "/Tests/"
- ]
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
- "email": "p@tchwork.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "A blend of var_export() + serialize() to turn any serializable data structure to plain PHP code",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
- "keywords": [
- "clone",
- "construct",
- "export",
- "hydrate",
- "instantiate",
- "serialize"
- ],
- "time": "2020-03-27T16:56:45+00:00"
- },
- {
- "name": "symfony/yaml",
- "version": "v5.0.7",
- "source": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/symfony/yaml.git",
- "reference": "ad5e9c83ade5bbb3a96a3f30588a0622708caefd"
- },
- "dist": {
- "type": "zip",
- "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/symfony/yaml/zipball/ad5e9c83ade5bbb3a96a3f30588a0622708caefd",
- "reference": "ad5e9c83ade5bbb3a96a3f30588a0622708caefd",
- "shasum": ""
- },
- "require": {
- "php": "^7.2.5",
- "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "~1.8"
- },
- "conflict": {
- "symfony/console": "<4.4"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "symfony/console": "^4.4|^5.0"
- },
- "suggest": {
- "symfony/console": "For validating YAML files using the lint command"
- },
- "type": "library",
- "extra": {
- "branch-alias": {
- "dev-master": "5.0-dev"
- }
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Symfony\\Component\\Yaml\\": ""
- },
- "exclude-from-classmap": [
- "/Tests/"
- ]
- },
- "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Fabien Potencier",
- "email": "fabien@symfony.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "Symfony Community",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
- }
- ],
- "description": "Symfony Yaml Component",
- "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
- "time": "2020-03-30T11:42:42+00:00"
- }
- ],
- "packages-dev": [],
- "aliases": [],
- "minimum-stability": "stable",
- "stability-flags": [],
- "prefer-stable": false,
- "prefer-lowest": false,
- "platform": {
- "php": "^7.2.5",
- "ext-ctype": "*",
- "ext-iconv": "*"
- },
- "platform-dev": [],
- "plugin-api-version": "1.1.0"
- }